Autochthonous © 2024 All Rights Reserved
Written by Freddie Williams (EL Bey) Aka Mr.Tracks Neo AAAA Certified by Autochthonous Emblem of America, Elder Supreme Chief Mother Yaffa Bey - Autochthonous American Ab Origine: First People and the original inheritance of Turtle Island including all its resources and tradelines, America. We are in full agreement with UN resolution 60-147-Right to Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law.American - [The copper colored races found here by Europeans.
ter, 1828 edition.]
Turtle Island' is the name for Ancestral American lands/soil particularly North America. It is a name used by our Indigenous Ab Origins people know as Authentic Autochthonous AmEricAn American who knew our land was formed of a turtle.
House Congressional Resolution 331” has acknowledged the fact that our ancestors developed the political system that formed the 13 colonies into Republic that our principles were incorporated into the Constitution.
So that means United States owes Protection & Preservation to the Autochthonous Indigenous AmEricAn American people.
This proclamation regarding my heritage, lawful, national, and political status, is my official public notice to all agents, principals, officers, affiliates, and assigns.
Ye all be notified, I Freddie A. Williams ( Mr. Tracks Neo El bey), Autochthonous™️ Shaman Chief Sustainable & Environmental Private President Officer & Head Ajaw Nojchilo'ob Jerife duties to reinforce balance of common law, protect peace and harmony by providing skillful professional support and services. Including the right to stand my ground on any threats or attacks of my living likelihood will be treated as an act of betrayal, treason, alien colonists perpetually attempt to exterminate in brutal terrorist acts of genocide, curbside police executions, and systematic shunning. aboriginal indigenous americans autochthonous americans american indian